What Tools Are Used To Work Aluminium?
Many people wrongly assume that the same tools used to work iron can be used to work aluminium. As it is a much softer metal, however, it is important that you use tools that will take this into account. Fortunately, many of the tools used for woodworking can be used on this metal.
- Saws
Hand-held or hacksaws can be used on aluminium, providing that you have chosen the right kind of blade. They need to have wide-mouthed teeth and must be made out of carbide to ensure precise cuts. - Center Punch
This is a sharp rod made out of iron that is used for making marks on metal. On aluminium, it is used to etch cutting edges and to mark the position of holes.
Hand-held drills are highly useful for working with aluminium, providing that you use a drill bit with wide spirals (to prevent the metal from clogging the bit). - Mallets
You cannot use a hammer on aluminium, as it will create dents. Instead, use a wooden mallet. They can be used for shaping a sheet, fixing it in place or even for hammering in rivets. - Screwdrivers
You don’t need special screwdrivers for working with aluminium - your standard ones will be fine, providing that they fit into screws that are Phillips O, Phillips Square, Phillips O Hex, Cheese or Rounded head.