Tips For Making Money With Scrap Metal
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Scrap Metal
These days, the scrap metal industry is a highly lucrative one with many opportunities for everyday people to make a little extra cash simply by getting rid of their old junk. If this is something that you are interested in getting involved in, the following tips may help you make some extra money:
- Most people hold garage sales on a Saturday morning and, by mid afternoon, anything that hasn’t sold is often tossed to the curb. You could do a drive-by to see whether anything of possible scrap value has been tossed out that you can salvage.
- Remove any copper from the scrap metal that you collect, as it is worth more (especially when deposited in one go). This means cutting off the power cords from any appliances and electronics, as well as removing the copper coils and tubing from them.
- Do some research online and at your local scrap metal dealer to determine how much each metal is worth at a given time – the prices can change from day to day, so it is always best to hold onto your scrap until you can get a good price for it.
- Become familiar with the rubbish days in your local area, including the days when hard rubbish collections are scheduled. The night (and, in the case of hard rubbish, the week) before collection is often a great time to salvage some of the scrap metal your neighbours are throwing out.